Indian Cup - About us Our vision

We want our customers to be able to choose any of the teas we offer with complete confidence in their highest quality, purity and authenticity. Our vision is for Indian Cup to become a home in Russia for true connoisseurs and fans of high-quality Indian tea.

Our history

We set out to create a brand that celebrates the heritage and culture of Indian tea, enriching its vibrant history. And we would like to share all this with Russia. Having worked in the Russian market for over 25 years and understanding customer preferences, our team believes that we can offer a specially selected brand of luxury tea from the heart of India, which will further strengthen the Russians’ love for Indian tea. We strive to make our Indian Cup brand synonymous with the highest quality Indian tea in Russia. The co-founders of Indian Cup, Ankita and Sarthak Singhal, spent years traveling through the tea valleys and plantations of various parts of India in search of the finest tea. In collaboration with tea masters with over 70 years of experience, they were able to develop the best offer, embodied in Indian Cup. The taste of Indian Cup tea will take you to different corners of incredible India, offering a wide range of premium: from classic traditional whole leaf tea to handcrafted blends and original Masala tea.

Our Mission

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Our values

Quality Tea

Offer the best tea in Indian directly from Indian tea plantations.

Constantly innovate.

Put the tastes and interests of customers first. Hear and understand their preferences to ensure your own growth.

Direct from Garden

To eliminate intermediaries in business, we independently purchase, package, export and serve our tea.

Quality and Purity

By carrying out all the steps ourselves, from processing the tea to delivering it to the end consumer, we ensure quality and purity at every stage of the process.

Moreover, by packaging tea, we preserve the exceptional flavors so that our customers can enjoy the finest Indian tea without losing its fine textures.

Premium quality

Never compromise on maintaining the premium quality of our tea - quality comes first.

Never cheat our customers by mixing cheap ingredients into premium teas.

Purchase tea only from tea plantations that practice good agricultural practices.

What makes the Indian Cup stand out?

We set out to create a brand that celebrates the heritage and culture of Indian tea, enriching its vibrant history. And we would like to share all this with Russia. Having worked in the Russian market for over 25 years and understanding customer preferences, our team believes that we can offer a specially selected brand of luxury tea from the heart of India, which will further strengthen the Russians’ love for Indian tea. We strive to make our Indian Cup brand synonymous with the highest quality Indian tea in Russia. The co-founders of Indian Cup, Ankita and Sarthak Singhal, spent years traveling through the tea valleys and plantations of various parts of India in search of the finest tea. In collaboration with tea masters with over 70 years of experience, they were able to develop the best offer, embodied in Indian Cup. The taste of Indian Cup tea will take you to different corners of incredible India, offering a wide range of premium: from classic traditional whole leaf tea to handcrafted blends and original Masala tea.

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